Framework of Activities
Activity |
Duration |
Material |
My Ideal Partner |
20 minutes |
Activity 6.1 |
Loving Household Chores |
15 minutes |
Activity 6.2 |
Condom use |
10 minutes |
Activity 6.3 |
True or False |
10 minutes |
Activity 6.4 (module) Quiz + Activity 6.4 (website) |
Summary |
5 minutes |
Take Home Messages |
Total |
60 minutes |
Preparation and Materials
- Mahjong paper
- Tape
- Marker pen
- Paper
Activity 6.1: My Ideal Partner
Title: Boys' role in a relationship
Duration: 20 minutes.
Materials: Flipchart, Mahjong Paper, Tape, Marker pens.
Duration: 20 minutes.
Materials: Flipchart, Mahjong Paper, Tape, Marker pens.
- Divide participants into group about five to eight people each. If there are both boys and girls in the workshop, divide the groups by sex so that participants are working in same sex groups.
- Give each group of participants a piece of mahjong paper and a marker pen. Ask them to write all of the qualities they would want in their ideal romantic partner. Give them five minutes. Encourage participants to think about other qualities than just physical characteristics that they would want in a partner.
- Each group will have to present its list to the rest of the participants. Identify the three most important qualities.
Discuss on the following questions:
- How similar are the qualities of the ideal romantic partner?
- Are there any differences between the ideal partner, as defined by the male groups and the female groups?
- What are these differences? How do you explain them? Were there any positive differences? Any negative differences?
- How equal are the roles of men and women in relationships?
- If the roles are not equal, why is this? Is this fair? If the roles are not equal, what could some consequences be?
- Why is it important to communicate about what we want from each other in a relationships?
- What do women and men need in order to communicate better about what they want from each other in a relationship?
- Discuss suggestions to support women and men in forming and maintaining better relationships.
Activity 6.2: Loving Household Chores
Title: Boys' roles and responsibilities in family matters.
Duration: 15 minutes.
Materials: Flipchart, markers, papers, pencils and pens.
Duration: 15 minutes.
Materials: Flipchart, markers, papers, pencils and pens.
- Ask participants to list eight typical household duties. Ask participants to think about what needs to be done in a household from waking up until going to sleep. The list of activities should include some of the following - cooking, shopping for food, clothes, and household items, cleaning and washing, childcare, eldercare, school-related activities (transportation, homework, meetings at school, etc), paying the bills.
- Distribute blank sheets of paper to the group. Ask the participants to look at the activities on the list and identify if they are usually done by a woman, man, or equally by both.
- Ask the participants to tally the number of activities that women, men and both sexes normally do and list these on a new flipchart.
- Discuss
- Does the list of activities done by women and men in the household surprise you? Why?
- Was there a lot of variation among participants? Why do you think that is?
- What factors contribute to men participating less in childcare or/and eldercare?
- Do you think these household activities performed by men and women in the home is changing or remaining the same? Should they change? Why?
- What are the benefits from men playing an active role in household duties?
- What can be done to promote more equitable distribution in performing households' activities?
- What have you learned from this activity? Have you learned anything that could be applied to your own life and relationships?
Activity 6.3: Condom Use
Title: Contraceptive methods that protect against pregnancy and sexually transmitted disease - it's boy role and responsibility as well!
Duration: 10 minutes.
Materials: Flipchart, A4 paper, markers, paper, pencils and pens
Activity: A debate
Duration: 10 minutes.
Materials: Flipchart, A4 paper, markers, paper, pencils and pens
Activity: A debate
- Divide the participants into four groups.
- Each group will be given 5 minutes to discuss the following, and write down their answers:
- Group 1: Reasons why men want to use a condom.
- Group 2: Reasons why men do not want to use a condom.
- Group 3: Reasons why women want to use a condom.
- Group 4: Reasons why women do not want to use a condom.
- Assuming that sexual intercourse is desired. By not knowing beforehand with whom they are going to negotiate, each group will be asked to negotiate with the team they were assigned:
- Group 1 vs Group 4
- Group 2 vs Group 3
- Facilitators will record the most important arguments, both in favour and against on the flipchart. Reveiw the arguments with participants at the end of negotiation session.
- Discuss the following questions with participants:
- What did it feel like to be in Group 1/3 who wants to use a condom and has to persuade their partner in group 2/4?
- What did it feel like to be in Group 2/4 who did not want to use a condom?
- If a couple decides to have sex, what are the advantages and disadvantages of using a condom?
- When should a couple discuss condom use?
- What if a women does not want to use a condom?
- What if the woman asks her partner to use a condom and he does not have one? What should he do?
- Who should suggest condom use? What would you think about a woman who carried a condom with her?
- What are ways to overcome these difficulties in discussing condom use with a partner?
Activity 6.4: True or False - Is This My Responsibility?
Title: Boys' roles and responsibilities in family matters.
Objective: Discuss about the various responsibilities of a man and woman in a family.
Duration: 10 minutes.
Activity: Answer true and false quiz on quiz section in the module
Discuss whether you agree or disagree with these statements:
Discussion: Prompt the students to discuss the reasons why they agreed or disagreed with these statements.
Objective: Discuss about the various responsibilities of a man and woman in a family.
Duration: 10 minutes.
Activity: Answer true and false quiz on quiz section in the module
Discuss whether you agree or disagree with these statements:
- Changing diapers, giving kids a bath, and feeding the kids are the responsibilities of a woman only.
- It's a woman responsibility to avoid getting pregnant.
- Consistent and correct use of condom is crucial in preventing STIs and unwanted pregnancies.
Discussion: Prompt the students to discuss the reasons why they agreed or disagreed with these statements.