Framework of Activities
Value |
Duration |
Material |
Mirror me! |
15 minutes |
Activity 2.1 |
Strengths in me |
5 minutes |
Activity 2.2 (module) Developing a Positive Self Image (website) |
Okay? or Not Okay? |
15 minutes |
Activity 2.2 |
Suka? atau Tak Suka? |
15 minutes |
Activity 2.4 |
What should I do? |
5 minutes |
Activity 2.5 |
Summary |
5 minutes |
Take Home Messages |
Total |
60 minutes |
Preparation and Materials
- Marker pen
- Mahjong paper
- Plate (or box printed with "SUKA" and "TIDAK SUKA")
Activity 2.1 : Mirror Me! - Self Esteem
Draw pictures of themselves, and add positive labels to their own and others drawings.
Duration: 15 minutes
Materials: Large paper (body size if possible), scissors, markers.
Activity: Have participants lie down on the paper to be traced-or for smaller paper they may simply draw a picture of their entire body. Ask each person to write in each of their body parts all of the positive things about it they can think of, including all of the things it can do.
Discussion: Did you think of positive traits you hadn’t thought of before? Was it easy to do? Is it hard to say nice things about yourself? Why?
Duration: 15 minutes
Materials: Large paper (body size if possible), scissors, markers.
Activity: Have participants lie down on the paper to be traced-or for smaller paper they may simply draw a picture of their entire body. Ask each person to write in each of their body parts all of the positive things about it they can think of, including all of the things it can do.
- Draw yourself on a piece of paper from head to toe. Which area do you like the best? It could be your smile or your muscles, even perhaps your eyes!
- Tag each of the following parts with one word that describes how you feel about it.
- Body size, Body shape, Posture
- Facial features, Hair, Head, Ears
- Arms, Skin, Hands, Legs
- Heart
- Reproductive System
Discussion: Did you think of positive traits you hadn’t thought of before? Was it easy to do? Is it hard to say nice things about yourself? Why?
Activity 2.2: Strengths in Me
Materials: Paper, Pen
Duration: 5 Minutes
Activity: Ask each person to write down the list of things in Task 1 and Task 2 (see below)
Task 1: Practice What You Are Good At!
Write down 3 talents or qualities you are good at and enjoy doing. Now pick one strength or skill to focus on. Write down ideas on how you can find time to practice and do it once a week or more.
Task 2: Make a “Yes! I Can” list
Start a long list of what you can do- even the small things. Are there some things people do not know about you?
For example: I can draw cartoons, I can fix a flat tire, I can ride a bike, I can play the guitar, I can cook delicious sambal, I can make a robot, I take cool photos etc.
Encourage them to list down anything that they enjoy doing or good at (even if they think it was insignificant). Allow each participant to share their work if time permits.
Discussion: Did you think of any talent and qualities you hadn’t thought of before? Set goals and time to practice the skills that you feel you are good at.
Duration: 5 Minutes
Activity: Ask each person to write down the list of things in Task 1 and Task 2 (see below)
Task 1: Practice What You Are Good At!
Write down 3 talents or qualities you are good at and enjoy doing. Now pick one strength or skill to focus on. Write down ideas on how you can find time to practice and do it once a week or more.
Task 2: Make a “Yes! I Can” list
Start a long list of what you can do- even the small things. Are there some things people do not know about you?
For example: I can draw cartoons, I can fix a flat tire, I can ride a bike, I can play the guitar, I can cook delicious sambal, I can make a robot, I take cool photos etc.
Encourage them to list down anything that they enjoy doing or good at (even if they think it was insignificant). Allow each participant to share their work if time permits.
Discussion: Did you think of any talent and qualities you hadn’t thought of before? Set goals and time to practice the skills that you feel you are good at.
Activity 2.3: Okay? or Not Okay?
To discuss student’s opinion about risk taking behaviors
Materials: Mahjong Paper, Marker
Duration:: 15 minutes
Activity: Ask each person to write down the list of things in Task 1 and Task 2 (see below)
Suggested statements:
Discussion: Discuss the possible consequence of each behaviour and how it would affect adolescents.
Materials: Mahjong Paper, Marker
Duration:: 15 minutes
Activity: Ask each person to write down the list of things in Task 1 and Task 2 (see below)
- Students are asked to draw a table with 2 columns with a title of ‘OK’ and ‘NOT OKAY’ respectively.
- Facilitator will read out statements to participants, then participants have to choose whether the statements are “OK” or “NOT OKAY”
- Students will have to give reason why they say so.
- Conclude of all of participant’s opinion and come out with one decision.
- Come out with the consequences for that unhealthy behavior.
Suggested statements:
- Underage drinking is considered very cool and shows maturity
- Girls see guys who smoke as ‘ada gaya’ and manly
- It is okay to spike drinks to prank friends.
- Vape have less nicotine than cigarette!
- Leaving drunk friends at a party and go for the next party
- All drug addicts have HIV!
- You noticed your friend has become underweight but still insist that they are fat
- Play online games (such as DOTA) during school day
Discussion: Discuss the possible consequence of each behaviour and how it would affect adolescents.
Activity 2.4: Suka? atau Tak Suka? - Keeping fit the healthy way
Objectives: 1. To discuss diet and nutrition
2. To ensure participants understand what is MY PLATE
3. To discuss different types of exercises
Materials: Plate (or box) for input, Printed pictures of food (for example), 2 containers as boxes with sign “SUKA” and “TAK SUKA”, Markers, Cut papers
Duration: 15 minutes
2. To ensure participants understand what is MY PLATE
3. To discuss different types of exercises
Materials: Plate (or box) for input, Printed pictures of food (for example), 2 containers as boxes with sign “SUKA” and “TAK SUKA”, Markers, Cut papers
Duration: 15 minutes
- Place 2 boxes with sign “SUKA” and “TAK SUKA” in front of class.
- Each participant has to take 2 pieces of cut papers and write one food they like and one food they dislike into each box.
- After that, facilitator will read out the paper and discuss whether it is “healthy” or “not healthy”.
- Using the class white board, classify each of food into “MEAL” “JUNK FOOD” “FAST FOOD” and “DESSERTS”
- Finally create a balance diet for Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner and Supper.
Activity 2.5: What Should I do? - Managing Stress
Debate this sentence: “To have a healthy lifestyle, it’s better to “Get Moving & Be Active” than to “Relax & Chill”.
Materials: Timekeeper
Duration: 5 minutes
Activity: Divide the group into 2 teams and encourage students to think of points to support their team.
Discussion: What are the benefits of each? Do you think there should be a balance between activities for body and mind? Different people beat stress in their own way.
Materials: Timekeeper
Duration: 5 minutes
Activity: Divide the group into 2 teams and encourage students to think of points to support their team.
Discussion: What are the benefits of each? Do you think there should be a balance between activities for body and mind? Different people beat stress in their own way.