OBJECTIVE To contribute towards the development of quality population through the strengthening of families and promoting family wellbeing.
POWERS, FUNCTIONS AND RESPONSIBILITIES Briefly the powers, functions and responsibilities of NPFDB as stated under the Act 352 Population and Family Development Act 1966 (amended 2006) are as follows:-
To advice the government on matters relating to policies and programmes on population, family development and human reproduction.
To plan, implement and co-ordinate population, family development and human reproduction programmes and activities.
To disseminate knowledge and educate and promote positive behaviour on population, family development and human reproduction.
To be responsible for the training of persons involved in population, family development and human reproduction.
To provide for the training of trainers in the areas of population, family development and human reproduction through skills development, continuing education, networking, technical co-operation among countries and sharing of information communication, technology and technical resources.
To be responsible in identifying and promoting research needs and priorities, and conducting research as well as studies on population, family development and human reproduction, including medical and biomedical studies.
To provide services based on current and emerging needs due to changes affecting population, family development and human reproduction.
To establish and maintain an ongoing monitoring and evaluation system by means of which it will be possible from time to time to assess the effectiveness of the programme and the progress towards the attainment of national objectives.
To do such other things as it considers fit to enable it to perform its functions effectively or that are incidental to the performance of its functions.
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